Easy Hack To Make Your Bed Look and Smell Amazing

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We couldn’t believe this hack to make your bed look and smell amazing but it actually works!


  • All you do is wash your sheets as usual then when they’re done washing, put them on the bed while they’re still damp.
  • (Keep in mind that the spin cycle gets all the excess water out of the sheets, so they’re never damp enough to impart any dampness at all to the mattress pad below)
  • Make sure to smooth out the sheets as you’re putting back, then I sprayed them with Grow’s 100% plant based Lavender Blossom spray 🌸
  • About 25 mins later they were dry and wrinkle free and smelled absolutely amazing!
We love the Lavender Blossom Spray for the best night’s sleep 😴
    Lavender Blossom Air + Fabric Spray

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